Peppermaster Blog

Holiday Hours 2019 Peppermaster Boutique
Well, the winter season is fast approaching, as we can tell by the early deep freeze that has us lightly dusted with a few centimeters of snow already. This weekend...
Holiday Hours 2019 Peppermaster Boutique
Well, the winter season is fast approaching, as we can tell by the early deep freeze that has us lightly dusted with a few centimeters of snow already. This weekend...

Peppermaster Craps
We listen to you. We are quick to respond. So, ask and sometimes ye shall receive. I understand that $185 is a serious chunk of coin EVEN for such a...
Peppermaster Craps
We listen to you. We are quick to respond. So, ask and sometimes ye shall receive. I understand that $185 is a serious chunk of coin EVEN for such a...

A Note from the Peppermaster -- Fresh Pepper Ma...
These Peppermaster Original Single Pepper Mashes are made by hand selecting the best fruit. They are designed to maintain optimum freshness for as long as possible without the use of...
A Note from the Peppermaster -- Fresh Pepper Ma...
These Peppermaster Original Single Pepper Mashes are made by hand selecting the best fruit. They are designed to maintain optimum freshness for as long as possible without the use of...

4 Tons of Sauce
We started processing food products for other companies back in 2008 when we attempted to commercialize Sexy Salsa and ran into the Tostitos wall and today, we sent out our...
4 Tons of Sauce
We started processing food products for other companies back in 2008 when we attempted to commercialize Sexy Salsa and ran into the Tostitos wall and today, we sent out our...

Peppermaster Roulette Jeu de Société
PEPPERMASTER ROULETTE: LE DÉFI ULTIME DU PIMENT FORT! Nous sommes fiers d'être le pionnier des sauces piquantes, Canadiens. Et nous savons dèjà comment il est difficile de toujours rester pertinent...
Peppermaster Roulette Jeu de Société
PEPPERMASTER ROULETTE: LE DÉFI ULTIME DU PIMENT FORT! Nous sommes fiers d'être le pionnier des sauces piquantes, Canadiens. Et nous savons dèjà comment il est difficile de toujours rester pertinent...

Peppermaster Roulette Game
THE ULTIMATE HOT PEPPER CHALLENGE! It is really fun to stay versatile and fresh when you're the oldest hot sauce maker in town. Very often you get comfortable and it's...
Peppermaster Roulette Game
THE ULTIMATE HOT PEPPER CHALLENGE! It is really fun to stay versatile and fresh when you're the oldest hot sauce maker in town. Very often you get comfortable and it's...