Holiday Hours 2019 Peppermaster Boutique
Tina BrooksShare
Well, the winter season is fast approaching, as we can tell by the early deep freeze that has us lightly dusted with a few centimeters of snow already. This weekend they are holding the Annual Christmas Artisan Fair in our local Community Center. (No, we don't have a booth there, we're too busy preparing for the One of a Kind show and the Salon des Métiers d'Arts that occurs right after it! Suffice to say, if the visitors to the community center fair pass our shop, they're welcome to stop in. We're here until 5:00.
We'll be working right up until the Christmas break this year. At the moment we anticipate closing the shop on December 24 2019 and reopening on January 6, 2020. Greg and I are unsure whether we are doing a hibernation in our little apartment or going somewhere, like my mother's place, yet. It will depend on the expansion. In the meantime, consider, that if you want to visit the boutique during the week of Christmas, you may be able to arrange an appointment, and you may not. So, get what you need before Christmas.
Btw, our events calendar is posted at the center top of the website, and I will keep it relatively up to date, and let you know which shows we are attending and whether or not we are doing something special, like a Fundraiser, our Open House, or our Egg Nog party. They'll be in order, so the most recent ones will always be at the top. Make us feel like Rock Stars and check us out at some of our shows. Oh, and hey! Bring friends. I really have a great time introducing new customers to our products.