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July 14, 2009 UPDATE Sexy Salsa #Salsa4Change

The project has been gliding along at a snapping pace and things are really moving along.

We began delivering the pre-ordered salsas and find ourselves at a standstill as Murphy's Law kicked into affect this week blowing the transmission on our van. We are working on both temporary and long-term solutions but anticipate resolving this within the week.

If you have not been contacted by telephone or email and are expecting a case of Sexy Salsa, it is because your case will be shipped and all shipped cases are currently scheduled to go out early this coming week.

I should note that until we are in our new kitchen, we are unable to make the salsa any way other than in small-batch quantities. This means that our purchasing is done at the higher prices commensurate with small quantities. You can individually purchase each of the Sexy Salsa flavours in either Medium heat level or in Peppermaster Hot, for the price of $15. We ask that you continue to consider this premium the support that we continue to require for our move into the new kitchen, but for those willing to commit to a full case of salsa, we will drop the price to $8 per jar, ie, $96 per case. We anticipate active wholesaling of the Sexy Salsa at the lower price as soon as possible. In the meantime, we've begun negotiations for the new kitchen which we anticipate moving into before the end of August.

On Monday of this week, we completed the paperwork required for Canada Economic Development and are hoping to have a positive response as to our eligibility for the project by the end of August. You can help us speed things up by continuing to share the Sexy Salsa #Salsa4Change project with your friends and family.

Thanks to all of our friends and supporters, without you, the advancements that have been made so far, would have been ultimately impossible.

Please be warned that our shop will be closed from July 23 through July 28 for our summer market show, the Nova Scotia Designer Craft Council show in Halifax. If you are planning on making a pickup during this time, it can be arranged ahead of time.

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