
Graphic image of Peppermaster popcorn with logo and images of popcorn and peppermaster hot sauce drawn by Jennifer R Cook

Peppermaster Popcorn Pops!

Greg and I will often use the Peppermaster Steak Spice on popcorn, it gives an amazing flavour and really just pops, pardon the pun. We ALWAYS add real butter though,...

Peppermaster Popcorn Pops!

Greg and I will often use the Peppermaster Steak Spice on popcorn, it gives an amazing flavour and really just pops, pardon the pun. We ALWAYS add real butter though,...

Recette Nachos Grande

Recette Nachos Grande

INGRÉDIENTS 1 lb. boeuf haché 1 C à table Sauce Incendiare (ou au goût) Tomates, coupés en dés Chips de Mais 1 tasse olives, coupés 1 tasse fromage râté (Melange...

Recette Nachos Grande

INGRÉDIENTS 1 lb. boeuf haché 1 C à table Sauce Incendiare (ou au goût) Tomates, coupés en dés Chips de Mais 1 tasse olives, coupés 1 tasse fromage râté (Melange...

Peppermaster Nachos Grande

Recette Nachos Grande

Ingrédients 1 lb. boeuf haché 1 C à table Sauce Incendiare (ou au goût) Tomates, coupés en dés Chips de Mais 1 tasse olives, coupés 1 tasse fromage râté (Melange...

Recette Nachos Grande

Ingrédients 1 lb. boeuf haché 1 C à table Sauce Incendiare (ou au goût) Tomates, coupés en dés Chips de Mais 1 tasse olives, coupés 1 tasse fromage râté (Melange...

Peppermaster Egg Nog

Peppermaster Egg Nog

I learned how to make fresh egg nog many years ago. It's not difficult, and in my opinion, it just tastes much better than any of the commercial formulations that...

Peppermaster Egg Nog

I learned how to make fresh egg nog many years ago. It's not difficult, and in my opinion, it just tastes much better than any of the commercial formulations that...

Peppermaster Margarita

Peppermaster Margarita

Ingredients: 1 oz Peppermaster Original Ginger Lime 2 oz Tequila (We recommend 100% blue agave for best results) Ice cubes Directions: Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker, shake gently Rim...

Peppermaster Margarita

Ingredients: 1 oz Peppermaster Original Ginger Lime 2 oz Tequila (We recommend 100% blue agave for best results) Ice cubes Directions: Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker, shake gently Rim...

Barbecue Curried Pineapple / Ananas Grille aux Cari

Barbecue Curried Pineapple / Ananas Grille aux ...

Ingredients: 1 ananas complet frais, coupé en 8 morceaux (les feuilles peuvent servir de décoration ou peuvent être enlevées). 3 cuillères à soupe de Cari au Jerk Directions: Badigeonnez les deux...

Barbecue Curried Pineapple / Ananas Grille aux ...

Ingredients: 1 ananas complet frais, coupé en 8 morceaux (les feuilles peuvent servir de décoration ou peuvent être enlevées). 3 cuillères à soupe de Cari au Jerk Directions: Badigeonnez les deux...