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Spicy Maple Umami Sauce | Sweet, Savoury, Boldly Spicy Maple Umami Hot Sauce

Spicy Maple Umami Sauce | Sweet, Savoury, Boldly Spicy Maple Umami Hot Sauce

  • Heat level: 10
  • Hand packed
  • Glass bottle
Regular price $30.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 CAD
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Spicy Maple Umami Sauce | Sweet, Savoury, Boldly Spicy Maple Umami Hot SauceSweet, savoury, and earthy with a bold heat kick and rich umami depth from fresh vegetables and Carolina Reaper.

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  • Heat level: 10


Fresh vegetables (celery, carrot, cherry pepper, ginger, onion, garlic, Carolina Reaper pepper), sugars (organic cane sugar, organic tapioca syrup), organic vinegar, organic tapioca starch, non-GMO EU Xanthan gum.

  • Sweet, savoury, and earthy with a bold heat kick and rich umami depth from fresh vegetables and Carolina Reaper.



Spicy Maple Umami Sauce | Sweet, Savoury, Boldly Spicy Maple Umami Hot Sauce image 1
Spicy Maple Umami Sauce | Sweet, Savoury, Boldly Spicy Maple Umami Hot Sauce image 2
Spicy Maple Umami Sauce | Sweet, Savoury, Boldly Spicy Maple Umami Hot Sauce image 3
Spicy Maple Umami Sauce | Sweet, Savoury, Boldly Spicy Maple Umami Hot Sauce image 4

Maple Umami Hot Sauce is the perfect fusion of rich, sweet, and savoury flavours, designed to elevate any dish. Crafted with fresh vegetables like celery, carrots, and cherry peppers, this sauce offers a unique blend of earthy and spicy notes, balanced by the natural sweetness of organic cane sugar and tapioca syrup. With the added heat of Carolina Reaper pepper, our Maple Umami Sauce brings a satisfying kick to your favourite recipes.

This sauce is ideal for adding depth and complexity to roasted vegetables, grilled meats, and even stir-fries. Whether drizzled, marinated, or used as a dipping sauce, Maple Umami Sauce will leave your taste buds craving more.


Fresh vegetables (celery, carrot, cherry pepper, ginger, onion, garlic, Carolina Reaper pepper), sugars (organic cane sugar, organic tapioca syrup), organic vinegar, organic tapioca starch, non-GMO EU Xanthan gum.

Heat Level 10


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