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The Antidote

The Antidote

  • Heat level: -4
  • Glass bottle
Regular price $25.00 CAD
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The Antidote

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  • Heat level: -4



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The Antidote image 4

Theoretically, anyone can take chili peppers and set taste buds ablaze, but only a true Peppermaster can give, receive, and take the heat away. That’s the true test.

Our famous heat antidote will soothe even the most singed tongues while cleansing the palate with its incredibly smooth, sweet, and delicious flavour.

So, what’s the secret? It may surprise you to learn that our antidote is simply a deliciously sweet maple cream caramel coulis dessert sauce made with fresh heavy cream and the world’s best organic dark Quebec maple syrup.

Heres how it works: The enzymes in the cream destroy the pepper oil while the sweetness of the sugar has a calming effect on the mouth, resulting in the most effective heat reducing, palate distracting antidote to hot peppers ever developed.

In more scientific terms: Casein in the creme surrounds the capsaicin molecue rendering it less effective as it passes through the digestive tract. The sugar crystals, when they meet the capsaicin crystals, are stronger, so they effectively snap the tips off the capsaicin crystals rendering them less effective.

Besides helping to revive burning taste buds, this sauce is also delectable on warm sponge cake, ice cream, fresh fruit, pancakes, or waffles. But our favourite way to enjoy it is by the spoonful!

And yes, it really works.


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