Peppermaster Blog

Scheduled Maintenance - Entretien en Cours
Fermeture de notre boutique web pour renovations anticipees. -- Our web store is temporarily closed for sheduled maintenance and upgrades. Nos excuses -- Our apologies
Scheduled Maintenance - Entretien en Cours
Fermeture de notre boutique web pour renovations anticipees. -- Our web store is temporarily closed for sheduled maintenance and upgrades. Nos excuses -- Our apologies

Visit our Peppermaster Booth at Expo Manger San...
visit our booth at the Expo Manger Sante 2015, March 20-21st
Visit our Peppermaster Booth at Expo Manger San...
visit our booth at the Expo Manger Sante 2015, March 20-21st

Expo Manger Sante, Montreal, Mar 20-22, 2015
Visit our booth at the 2015 Expo Manger Sante. Look for the Brooks Pepperfire Foods Booth in the Equitable section, along with other small local producer members of the Association...
Expo Manger Sante, Montreal, Mar 20-22, 2015
Visit our booth at the 2015 Expo Manger Sante. Look for the Brooks Pepperfire Foods Booth in the Equitable section, along with other small local producer members of the Association...

Are we making you crazy yet?
We're still shuffling things around and trying to get the dust to settle from our server move. If you are having difficulty reaching us, please phone (514) 393-3430 Or email...
Are we making you crazy yet?
We're still shuffling things around and trying to get the dust to settle from our server move. If you are having difficulty reaching us, please phone (514) 393-3430 Or email...

Spit and polish
We're mostly finished moving our server. It should go live shortly. We apologize for the difficulties you might be experiencing. We're hoping to resolve our email issues before start of...
Spit and polish
We're mostly finished moving our server. It should go live shortly. We apologize for the difficulties you might be experiencing. We're hoping to resolve our email issues before start of...