Sexy Salsa Tango – #Salsa4Change Official Press Release

Sexy Salsa Tango – #Salsa4Change Official Press Release

brook-pepperfire-foods Admin

Brooks Pepperfire Foods Inc., one of Canada's top-ten food innovators of 2008, plans for expansion were threatened by the surprise closure of CIDEM-Techno, a Montreal-based business incubator. In an attempt to recover from the interruption in its business plan, Greg and Tina Brooks developed a creative strategy to recover the lost time, money and resources.

#Salsa4Change, the Sexy Salsa project is asking Quebecers to create jobs by supporting a local company that is socially mindful, supporting local farmers and businesses and playing an important role in the International Fair Trade certification of chilli peppers. What began as a measured plan to expand their business, has become a project that will lead to the immediate creation of as many jobs as Quebecers can help them to create. By pre-purchasing cases of Sexy Salsa, Quebecers can participate in the domestication of an $11,000,000 import market wherein none of the players are from Quebec.

The products target Quebec ingredients first, searching globally for the best quality with the highest social implications when unavailable locally. Thus employment is played out to Quebec farmers and other local, skilled, unskilled and professional labour. It doesn't hurt that these products are of exceptional quality and taste great. It is the intent of the company to sell 1000 cases of the Salsa in order to create 30 jobs. The couple are working with Canada Economic Development to make the project a reality and have called upon the public using a combination of personal requests, press releases and an active Social Media twitter and Facebook campaign. The couple is planning an extravaganza for the launch, to be announced soon.

CJAD AM 800, a local radio-station has been tracking the project and the couple announces their progress regularly on this blog, Facebook and Twitter. --

This article was published on the front page of the Montreal Gazette Business Section on Saturday, June 8 2009.

 -- Click on this link to download an order form.

 -- Click on this link to download the wholesale order form.

Local shoppers can use coupon code #Salsa4Change to cancel out shipping charges if they want to order online from the Peppermaster website.

Anticipated Delivery Date of jars: June 23rd.

Anticipated Beginning Ship Date: June 29th.

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