Sexy Salsa Tango – #Salsa4Change

  • Amazing public response!
  • Government Agencies offering Assistance!
  • Helping Hands make a difference!
Over the weekend we pre-sold 72 cases of Sexy Salsa.
Click here to purchase your sexy salsa, now! Please note that if you are within 50 kilometers of Rigaud, Quebec, or plan on picking up your order, use the coupon code #Salsa4Change to remove your shipping costs.
We were so moved by the support pouring in that we had the idea to paint the wall in the entryway of the new kitchen with the Sexy Salsa logo, underneath which we will be stencilling the names of everyone who is supporting us. We’d love to share with you some of the experiences we have had with people offering to help. The wonderful caring and sharing of people is not lost on us. Tina spoke today with a woman who called to order a case of salsa. Her brother turned out to have been childhood friends with Tina’s Brother-in-Law’s brother. Greg received an email from a gentleman in Guinea who had read the Gazette article online and wanted to help. One fellow came into the shop, unable to eat the chilli peppers, but, who, just wanted to help, so he bought a jar of the salsa we have in the shop. By far the most interesting phone call we received was from a very friendly fellow from Huntingdon, who owns Grant’s Bakery. Richard and his daughter turn out to have been client’s of Cidem-Techno. Tina listened to his story on the phone and when she offered to help him recover from his victimization by CIDEM-Techno, he told her that he was simply calling to purchase a couple of cases of Salsa to help out. It turns out that Greg may have the expertise to help Richard’s daughter bring her project to fruition. I will mention that we have also received several job enquiries. Which brings me to the possibilities, should we turn out to be eligible. It was originally our intent to create 12 jobs, with the help of the CED, this number could swell to thirty, this summer, with your help. We will be creating as many jobs as we can afford, based on the number of cases we can pre-sell. (Note, these are 580 ml jars. (20 oz)). When we have start-dates and job descriptions, we will post them. We are indeed working with Canada Economic Development (the CED). We met with their Counsellor on Wednesday and were asked to provide the answers to many questions so that the CED could evaluate whether or not we are indeed eligible for the programs available. We also learned that the process will take at least 40 to 60 days. They have made it clear that they are going to work very actively with us to ensure that we apply for all possible funding and support for which we are eligible. So, now it’s just a matter of determining our eligibility. On the Provincial support front, through the CLD, we are now in contact with Investissement Quebec, who, we anticipate, will put us through the same “eligibility” procedure as the CED, but will help us to apply for any Provincial programs for which we are eligible. We have not yet secured an appointment with them, but we are in contact. In the meantime, we have received many offers of support and help from both new friends and old from all over the place. Having pre-sold enough cases of salsa to cover the costs of the first pallet of salsa, we are now working on covering the costs of beginning the move into the new kitchen. This can be accomplished as quickly as we can pre-sell cases of Salsa. We are now looking for wholesale commitments for the next four pallets. If you know your local grocery store manager, ask him to support the Sexy Salsa project. An introduction to the head purchasers for Loblaws, Metro, IGA, Sobey’s, Couche Tard, Premiere Moisson, or other chain store where you might purchase salsa, is our next goal. These introductions would help a great deal. If your company is holding a golf tournament or a company barbecue this summer, we would welcome the opportunity to provide the salsa for the event. So, please mention the project to your company’s social director or head of marketing. If you are holding a party, a wedding, a family reunion, a christening, etc. Salsa is an easy snack food to provide. People have been asking “What happens if you fail”. Well, we won’t fail. We believe that when life hands you lemons, it’s time to make margaritas. Enough people have introduced themselves to us who are in the position to fill the hole that would be left should the Governments decide, for whatever reason, that we are ineligible. As a result of these unexpected changes our plan has adapted and accelerated, both in scope and in size. We have been impressed by how many people acting in small ways can create great change. Thank you all.

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