New Year Wish - 2015 - Voeux de l'annee
Tina BrooksShare
Today dawns the first day in the Brooks Pepperfire Foods' calendar year, 2015. We hope that for you, 2015 will be a year of challenges and opportunities filled with hope for the future.
Greg and I would like to take this moment to thank you for working with us in 2014 and we look forward to creating more opportunities for that in 2015.
If you have any ideas about how we can maximize our efforts, do let us know what those might be.
We look forward to sharing our efforts with you for another year. May your 2015 be happy, healthy and prosperous.
Ici nous debutons l'annee 2015 avec des esprits ouvert. Nous attendons des nouvelles opportunites cet annee.
Si vous avez des idees qui peuvent nous aider dans nos demarches, laissez-nous en savoir.
Nous attendons partager nos efforts avec vous, encore cette annee.
Esperson que l'annee 2015 vous amenez du bonheur, de la sante et de la prosperite.