Hurricane Montréal

Full circle. Born in Montreal yet growing up in the islands, a prodigal son returns north, with a gift in hand. From the sunny Bahamas where hurricanes and peppers cross he brings to you the very essence of island life. Based on his ever popular Hurricane Mash released in 1978, Hurricane Montréal now brings to Montreal in these troubled times the very essence of the worlds best hot sauce! Brings Joy and intensity to every dish. Made with all fresh local Red Habaneros and Aji Lemon peppers (grown biodynamically in greenhouses) with the juice of fresh organic limes there are no herbs, sweeteners, extracts or any other flavours to distract you from the meal itself upon which you have splashed this simple hot sauce. Available from the Peppermaster, Lufa Farms and Le Marché Écolocal. Marche.

Do you guys still sell the hurricane montreal hot sauce. I’ve been looking to purchase it.. it by far the best hot sauce I’ve had with wings… how can I purchase the sauce?