Changing the World with Coffee Begins at Home!
Tina BrooksShare
Oyez Oyez Oyez today the Peppermaster had a fit of pique! Waking to pitiable coffee as a direct result of a broken coffee machine. Pitiable? With the world's best coffee? Impossible... nuh uh. I'm using a $10 carafe that was purchased juste-au-cause-ou for when my Mother comes to visit. (She likes coffee flavoured water). It broke, so this is what we've had to resort to at home: Ground coffee: [caption id="attachment_1892" align="aligncenter" width="200"]
Santropol brulerie Cafe Femenino. Fair Trade Organic[/caption] Steeped ala Columbien in one of these $10 carafes, [caption id="attachment_1890" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
$10 coffee carafe[/caption] strained through all three of these: [caption id="attachment_1894" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Dollar store Plastic sieves, set of three[/caption] one after the other. At least we had real creme. Greg made the mistake of telling me that whatever we sold out of the "Shop" TODAY would determine the price we would pay for the new coffee machine! It's Sunday, it's raining, how great a machine can I expect? HELP! This is the machine our team would love for me to install: [caption id="attachment_1901" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Automatic espresso/coffee machine with bean bypass[/caption] The $10 carafe is what is being replaced. Remember the $10 carafe guys? Just a reminder... [caption id="attachment_1890" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
$10 coffee carafe[/caption] Peppermaster Shop... That means my factory outlet in Rigaud, it ALSO means my Web Shop and of course it means Facebook and Twitter! So... here we go. My plan is to take BACK my amazing coffee machine that is currently on loan in the kitchen, so, Dom Wells, Chris Larsen, Anders Lafon, Michelle Heald, best be aware! THEY benefit from free coffee at work. And of course, right now, it's good coffee from a great machine. This is what we currently have on loan at work: [caption id="attachment_1897" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
Breville espresso machine[/caption] We serve three coffees to our team: All are Fair Trade organic coffee. One from our friends at Nou'la Coop, is a dark Haitian coffee grown in the northern Province near Cap Haitien. The other two are from our friends at Cafe Copardes. Santropol's Feminino coffee and Salvaterra a decaf. Coffee is a very important way for us to change the world. When it is fair trade, the grower is required to educate their children, their farmers cooperate to improve their living and growing conditions and we pay them a fair price and living wage for their beans. It's a total win win. So, I leave it to you (and my co-workers) to decide which coffee machine we're going to get... Today only, until 5:00 only! ALL Peppermaster products are on special! So, use the code "Pepperfire041314" today only! For every purchase, in addition to the usual discounts, I'm going to start the discount count at $5 off every purchase. If you aren't familiar with our usual purchase discounts, they are as follows... Factory outlet Discounts: (Large Peppermaster brand jars) Buy 3 save $5. Buy 6, get the 7th free or save $10, Buy 12, save $40. (Mini Peppermaster brand jars) Buy 3 save $10. Buy 6, save $15, Buy 16 save $100 Webstore Discounts: (Any product) Buy 3, save $5. Buy 6, save $15. Buy 12, save $40. Take advantage the offer is only good until midnight or when the shop in Rigaud closes at 5:00! If you participate today, you'll also receive an invitation good for one cup off free coffee from the new machine when it gets here! Pass it on!